My Subscriber Count is Frozen?!


Well-Known Member
Hey YTTalkers... or the appropriate name given to people who are on this website!

Before we get into this, yes this is a channel review, it'll just seem like I'm going off topic. Anyway, let's get into it.

I am in a bit of a predicament... My channel is currently sitting on 110 subscribers and I have been for the past 6 days. I know it may not seem like a big deal because I have over 100 subscribers, however, I am a bit cautious at the fact that YouTube itself may have a part to play in this. Before this time I had been gaining subscribers consistently (around 1 to 2 subscribers a day), which is exactly why I'm curious as to whether or not my sub count is frozen...

On the other hand it may have something to do with my channel. Which is why I'm writing in this section. I would like to receive a review from all of you lovely people for my channel! Is there anything I could to do improve my videos, my channel art or anything to maybe boost up my subscriber count??

I would love all the feedback, I really want to fix this if it really is an issue.

Thank you all!

Dont know if your sub count is frozen but Imma tell you Im impressed (which happens rarely) with your channel art, Banner, Avatar and Thumbnails are all on spot, gj, wouldnt change a thing. 10/10 imo!
A few things I have noticed about YouTube....

The subscriber count on your channel page is often times behind. My count will sometimes be higher at than what is reflected on my page. I'm not sure what causes the delay.

However, I did notice that if you click on your image on the top right of the screen, as if you were going to your Creator Studio, you see a sub count there also. This sub count will be more up to date than the one listed on the page next to your subscribe button. I think this one is real time using the same API that and a host of others use.