My posts in response to other videos are vanishing. Is it because I'm an American Conservative?


New Member
I don't post on YouTube often, but with all the political strife of late I made a couple of very clear comments from a Conservative point of view. In each case I pointed out the underlying strategy of The Left, explaining how what appears to be happening (according to the video) is not what's actually happening. I suggest that people look beyond face value.

Now when I post anything it disappears. The two political posts do not appear to me when I'm logged in, and they do not appear in the public comments.

A totally benign third post (non-political issue) does appear to me when logged in, but that one also has vanished from the video's public comments list.

The YouTube Help Community doesn't present any way for me to post a new thread questioning this situation. Is that normal or am I being punished in that respect? My political comments were mild compared to comments by others. I want to know if I'm being blacklisted. And if so, why, and what can I do to correct the situation.

Take off the tinfoil hat.
It simply means the channel owner has not approved the comments yet or disapproved them.
If you're talking about comments on another channel's videos disappearing, then it would've been that channel which chose to delete your comments.
I made a SECOND post here. The Moderator has not allowed it to be seen yet. Interesting how my initial post was not held for moderation, but my second post in support of my stated concerns is held for moderation. And after two days that second post still has not seen the light of day...

My as-yet-unpublished second post contains a link to a thread on YouTube's own help forum. I found that thread the day after I posted this thread. There are 61 posts in that thread, spanning many months. Nearly every post complains of the same situation I am facing. And while the thread has been active for roughly a year, with posts made recently, YouTube has made no comment whatsoever. Nor has YouTube changed its policy.

And for the record, my third YouTube comment (of three) contained only praise for a doctor who provided excellent information in her video. She hit the LOVE button for my comment and replied, "You're welcome!" Clearly she did not delete or disapprove my public comment.

That post does not appear to the public, but does appear to ME when logged in to YouTube. A textbook example of Shadow Banning.
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I wrote to the Moderator asking him/her to publish my SECOND post, which contains a link that syncs perfectly with my point of view; a forum thread that appears on YouTube's own Help Forum suggesting that many Conservative Americans are being silenced with no explanation. I received no reply from the Moderator here, and my SECOND post has not appeared in this thread...

No problem there...right?

There have been 87 views of this thread so far.

A simple Google search confirms that YouTube does conduct SHADOW BANNING. I just wasn't sure if that's the specific dogpile I had stepped in. Now I know.

Long Live The Republic

MODERATOR: [Edited by staff: Your reply is rude -- be nice to the mods. Your post had been flagged for moderation automatically because you had included a link. It has since been approved.]

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