My opinion on "View/Sub Botters"

Well put dear sir (said in a southern gentlemanly accent) I keep getting those annoying PMs on YouTube trying to get you to buy views/subs, only stupid people will do something like that... so there must be A LOT of stupid people in the world
Well put dear sir (said in a southern gentlemanly accent) I keep getting those annoying PMs on YouTube trying to get you to buy views/subs, only stupid people will do something like that... so there must be A LOT of stupid people in the world
Oh, I do agree my young chap *said in uptight english tone*
Yeah, 2years ago I had an old channel and I signed uo for subxcess and i got 1000 "fake" sub. I deleted my channel because its just stupid (no offence) no one watched my videos. I stopped and I made this channel and now everything is legit :)
Yeah, 2years ago I had an old channel and I signed uo for subxcess and i got 1000 "fake" sub. I deleted my channel because its just stupid (no offence) no one watched my videos. I stopped and I made this channel and now everything is legit :)
That's the best way to go my friend, there is more satisfaction in a real audience then there is a fake one.