Hey guys just wanted to tell you about some of the different series' I run. Firstly, on Mondays I have a very special series named Ratio Rotation where I start on Cod 4 and every time I get a ratio of 2 or above, I ascend to the next cod (eg cod4, 5, 6) If I dont get a ratio above 2 I have to face a challenge like the cinnamon challeenge etc. My next series on Lets Play wednesdays is a lets play. This series it is Resident evil 5 And finally on Friday I have a series on mw3 called juggernaut with every gun or JWEG. This is where I have to get a juggernaut with every gun and I let my subs pick it each week. On weekends I upload whatever. Here is the most recent JWEG and I hope you guys like it and if you do, Thumbs up, Subscribe and if you didnt, tell me what I should improve on. GIVE ME CRITICISM Thanks alot for reading and speak to you all very soon. Peace.