My new channel v old channel and what I have found.


Loving YTtalk
My new channel(about railroads and trains) grew to its first 100 subs pretty quickly for me. It too me 3 months to get to 100 subs. It took my old channel 18 months to reach that target if I remember correctly. However, after reaching 100 subs on my new channel, growth dropped off a cliff. With my old channel when I reached 100 subs growth rate increased quickly and I was gaining a about a sub a day up to 333 when I ended the channel.

Today my new channel has less than 150 subs after 6 months. However, I am having far more fun with it than the old channel. The new channel though has ended up with a lot of sub for sub subscribers. This was never a thing with my old channel. I don't know why a train channel has taken that direction, although it seems a common route with railroad channels.

2-3 months ago I did startup a version of my old military channel with differences. Firstly I no longer include any video in the episodes at all, only photographs. Secondly I have, for the most part, tried to keep the majority of the videos under 10 minutes. Much less if possible. Third I no longer ask for subs. After 2-3 months it has reached a grand total of 10 subs. So far not sub to sub at all.
I am having far more fun with it than the old channel
feel that 100% fun is priceless, & can be even more fun when family/friends get involved
I started with gaming videos, also tried car videos, food & animals, but videography is the one I chose to keep doing even though growth is very slow. Seems like a choice has to be made between more fun VS more success
feel that 100% fun is priceless, & can be even more fun when family/friends get involved
I started with gaming videos, also tried car videos, food & animals, but videography is the one I chose to keep doing even though growth is very slow. Seems like a choice has to be made between more fun VS more success

I think you are right. I never want to YT to feel like a job. With my old channel it was starting to feel that way.
I think the most important aspect is that you're having more fun with this new channel. It's a bummer that the subs might not be there as dependably as with the other channel, but I honestly believe that so long as you are happy and satisfied with what you're doing, it will show in your videos and by extension your sub count eventually. But even if it doesn't, hey, it's still less stressful than the old one.
I think the most important aspect is that you're having more fun with this new channel. It's a bummer that the subs might not be there as dependably as with the other channel, but I honestly believe that so long as you are happy and satisfied with what you're doing, it will show in your videos and by extension your sub count eventually. But even if it doesn't, hey, it's still less stressful than the old one.

I agree with you totally. If I am not finding it fun, I will not keep with it. Can't be bothered doing it if I am not enjoying what I am doing these days.
we know that things become clearer with more statistics, as they tell which videos work better, cool thing is that at least a few from the top performing videos should be of repeating interest = meaning you would love to do same or similar video again