My Mic Stand Story (Warning Pic Heavy)


Adelaide Youtuber
Ok here goes, this seems to be the right forum for this so here goes...

When I decided to get slightly serious about doing videos with my kids, I decided to get a mic that wasnt mounted on a headsets so I went out and bought three of these..
coupling that with this desk stand..
Now these were doing ok, but I was getting a background hum I couldn't place for the longest time so I was using Audacity to remove it from the audio recordings. Only problem there was the noise reduction was mutilating our voices. After much research I learnt the hum was coming from power sources around me (otherwise know as EMI, Electro-Magnetic-Interference) and the best way to fix that was copper shielding...
Now that had fixed the hum and the audio quality was fantastic, however I then noticed one of my daughters knocking the desk and you could hear it from a mile away in the recording so something had to be done. Now I had seen some boom like mic's stands on some websites and I thought to myself, "They look exactly like these..."
So I went out to the store and pulled one out the box and I looked at the assembly and another idea hit me, I had also be contemplating shock mounts for our mic's like these..

I could cut the globe fittings out of the lamp and then I would have a metal cylinder to mount rubber bands to suspend the mics! So after getting the desk lamps home, alot of metal cutting and rubber band fitting I have got these (I'm showing mine off and, yes its my desk)

Close up on the shock mounting..

The pop filter is a $2.50 plywood embroidery ring with pantyhose donated by my wife, held on by a wire coathanger wedged into the rubber bands.

So there it is, my brand of invention using less expensive parts.
I love all these DIY jobs, its fun seeing how creative and inventive people really are. Nice job there :)
Neat!!! I wish I were that crafty! I mean, it looks just like the booms at any station I've worked at in the past ten years. And I bet yours is able to stand up on it's own accord too! At several places I've worked... I've had to prop them up/hold them/scream and pull my hair out. lol

Nice job!