My Idea For a YouTube Channel


I was thinking about making a channel that shows my development from being extremely shy (right now) to becoming outgoing and social. How I'd do this is going out and doing things that terrify me. Being as shy and reserved as I am right now that should be fairly easy. Just telling a cute girl that she is pretty fits that category easily. However, I'm afraid that would be extremely embarrassing but on the other hand it would be completely raw and honest. This is something I have struggled with all my life so if somehow I can help others who are struggling with it too then that would be amazing and that's all I can ask for. I would love to hear your thoughts on that, is it an idea that I should pursue?
maybe as an intro, you can create a rough list of the things that are easily do-able just still scare you, thus as you develop you can grow your "challenges."
you need really sit down and plan everything first i suppose and make sure you actually do it all.
Just make content that makes you happy. The more you do things that make you smile, the more confident you'll be to make others smile
It would work, as long as you don't completely ad lib it. ... The way for it to be successful is for you to be open, honest, but... showing some charisma.

Remember, at its base, Youtube is an expression and performance medium. People come on here to be entertained or moved. If you're going to do it, try to appeal to your viewers. Share your story, show your humanity, and make people want to tune in. Empathy and sympathy are powerful emotions.

Oh, and be prepared for your occasional hater, because. ... well. ... This is the Internet.
It sounds interesting. I think as well as the challenges to yourself, you should give some reflection on how you're feeling as you go along, and how this is affecting your everyday life, not just for the videos.
This sounds like an EXCELLENT idea man, from someone who was once in the same shoes as you with the whole social jiffy thing. If you create a YouTube channel like this it sounds a lot like a self development one and not only can you make awesome videos, dedicate yourself to a project that you love but each time you go out and film you would be getting out of your comfort zone, facing your fears and growing as a person. You would also be inspiring people who are similar to you and trust me there's a lot out there that would resonate with what you make! I am in full support of you creating this channel brother and best of luck with it :)
I think this sounds really interesting, from a social and psychological standpoint! It's almost like you're turning yourself into a case study, and that's pretty cool.
If it's an idea you're passionate about doing then do it. Sounds like a good idea, and really, that's all vlogging is more or less.