My Goal For 2014 As A Paranormal Investigator.

(This is for the people who are interested in the paranormal)

Hey guys, as some of you may know I am a paranormal investigator that "hunts" spirits and ghosts, basically I go around my local cemetery or haunted places and record, I do get unexplained voices come back to me though, and I have been doing this for 4 and a half years.

My goal for 2014 is to finally capture what I saw last month on to video. This happened on September 24th, I was doing my usual EVP session at my local cemetery to get a new video up on YouTube when I looked down at the bottom of the cemetery and saw someone walking, I thought “Oh great someone is going to distract me now” But as I was watching this person it vanished then re-appeared right in front of my eyes! But it was still walking as though it was normal, this entity was wearing grey bottoms with a hooded top and the hood was up also, but the strangest thing was.. it was glowing bright silvery white! Also it didn't have the usual movement of a living human, almost gliding on the floor if you get me? So that was the first ever experience in all of the 4 years I have been investigating! And I plan on getting it on video for 2014!

Wish me luck!! xoxoxoxoxooxxoxooxoxo
Gawd, if I heard a voice...I would FEAR (F**K EVERYTHING AND RUN!)...Yea, I would probably scream if I heard a voice :\ *manliness levels are too high to comprehend.
aww haha! no worries :) <3 it's nothing scary, no poltergeisty moving things, just voices and stuff that's all xxx
..but...but... I like when stuff move on their own. Like really, I have a kick for the visual, not really the audio. I would love and see some for myself.
..but...but... I like when stuff move on their own. Like really, I have a kick for the visual, not really the audio. I would love and see some for myself.
That is also my goal :) I have bought myself a night vision camera so hopefully next year I will get some stuff! But for now it's audio and (Kinda visual emf-K-II hits) xxx