My channel is doing really well but I have a problem


New Member
Hi guys,

New member but long time lurker.

I have a YouTube channel that I've been working really hard on and it's doing really really well. I have over 30k subscribers in just a year and a really steady rate of returning viewers and new subscribers, currently around 5k new subscribers a month. I also have a 98% like to dislike ratio and people are often leaving really nice comments that I explain and talk through things really well and clearly.

Now I think I know the answer to these questions but I think it will really help me to post this here and hear peoples views and thoughts on this and hopefully just help me get over it and not let it hurt my confidence moving forward.

I recently did something new that I've not done before. I visited a company that were doing some free work for me in exchange for me to video it and promote there business, pretty standard stuff.
They also shoot there own videos so I agreed to be in one of there's as well as mine.

I've just recovered from a really bad cold and I'm not yet 100% so I was not my usual charismatic self and struggled a bit filming. This is also the first time I've ever filmed directly with many people watching in a set space and also filmed along side someone else, I was nervous too because I really wanted to make a good video for these guys and they have worked with some really big you tubers so I was quite a small fish in a big tank! In a nutshell I was not doing as well on camera as I normally would I would say.

So here's where it all goes sour.

While filming I had two mics, one on myself and one on the person from the company who joined me briefly for a bit of the video.

I'm now working on the video and reviewing the footage and there's a part where the person who I had mic'd must of forgot or not realised he had a live mic so he goes into the back room to talk to his colleagues and he is laughing and saying how terrible I am on camera and how awkward and hesitant I am. None actually replies to him or I can't hear them but he comes across very arrogant in his tone and laughing at how "awkward" I am on camera.

I found this really hard to listen to and il admit it's knocked my confidence a bit when I know it shouldn't.

I just wanted to share this with you guys hear as fellow creators and inspiring creators to hear your thoughts and just get it out of my head and into the open to be honest!

Part of me is really mad at the person for his words etc and makes me not want to work with them and promote there business and tell him to his face but I don't think this would be the best thing to do so I'm keeping my emotions in check.

I think I need to just accept that this person is probably a little bit of a bully in reality and I did not bring my A game but I know I'm good because I'm doing so well and that I should learn from this experience and turn it into a positive to get even better and make sure I'm always on form.

What do you guys think I should do? How would you feel if this happened to you?

I think it would be really helpful just to read some thoughts and views on this. Currently I only have his view in my head so I need some positivity!

Thank you all so much
