New Member
Hi, I make automotive repair video's and been doing it for almost 3 years now. Trying to find a trend in the CPM (earnings/1000 views) so far it seems the best for me are in March and December, and the worse is in January.
One thing that has been different in the last two years is that in 2013 I had a steady good CPM in August/Sep all they way to DEC where it went up really high but 2014 was different.. right after July it took a nose dive and decreased by 30% and stayed that way until OCT where again in started climbing and peaked in DEC. So my question, which of these trends are more predominant for you guys? Do you see a drop from Aug - Oct or is it steady until than and than starts picking up? I know every niche is different but if we get a few answers here we might see a trend regardless. Thanks,
One thing that has been different in the last two years is that in 2013 I had a steady good CPM in August/Sep all they way to DEC where it went up really high but 2014 was different.. right after July it took a nose dive and decreased by 30% and stayed that way until OCT where again in started climbing and peaked in DEC. So my question, which of these trends are more predominant for you guys? Do you see a drop from Aug - Oct or is it steady until than and than starts picking up? I know every niche is different but if we get a few answers here we might see a trend regardless. Thanks,