My 1 Month Anniversary Giveaway


Your #1 Source For Indie Gaming
Hey there,

Need some help on requirements for a giveaway I'm doing. Please don't get into the whole "don't do it, just false subs, inactive subs, etc" thing as I'm doing this to support an indie game developer who wants me to give out 25 free keys.

Things I need help with:

1) What should I talk about in the video? Its going up Wednesday, 4/23, my 1 month anniversary.
2) What should I require for the giveaway? I'd like subs/shares, maybe follows/likes as well (in regards to FB and Twitter).
3) How long should it be open for? 1 week maybe?
Play the game.
Talk about the game.
Require someone to sub to your channel and then comment on the video. Maybe give them an extra entry or two if they follow you on facebook and twitter.
I'd keep it open for about two weeks, promoting the heck out of it for the entire time.
Play the game.
Talk about the game.
Require someone to sub to your channel and then comment on the video. Maybe give them an extra entry or two if they follow you on facebook and twitter.
I'd keep it open for about two weeks, promoting the heck out of it for the entire time.

Hit the nail here
Do this and it should work out brilliant for you :)

Good luck with it and to your sub's too
Play the game.
Talk about the game.
Require someone to sub to your channel and then comment on the video. Maybe give them an extra entry or two if they follow you on facebook and twitter.
I'd keep it open for about two weeks, promoting the heck out of it for the entire time.
Yeah I really like the test video idea so that the participants can see what they're in for.
Play the game.
Talk about the game.
Require someone to sub to your channel and then comment on the video. Maybe give them an extra entry or two if they follow you on facebook and twitter.
I'd keep it open for about two weeks, promoting the heck out of it for the entire time.

Do you know how to tell if someone has subed if they have their subs set to private? I've been wondering how they go about that, or is it just that the people don't usually know that they wont actually know?
Its against youtube terms to "require someone to sub" for a contest. Easiest way to do this is to go for likes and "suggest" subscribing. So saying things like this " If my xyz video gets # number of likes i will raffle one key out, if i gain x number subscribers i will raffle another key out." (Pick a number that is reasonable for your channel size). Or go with sharing " if video xyz is shared x number of times i will raftle this off". Sometimes shares are better then subscribers.
If you're doing it to support the indie game developer, why have someone subscribe to you?

I can better support the community if I have a larger following. Extremely simple. Giveaway isn't asking for money, it's giving away for free.