Music video song similar to gangnam style.


Hi, i make videos on youtube and want to make another music video. my last one was a music video to gangnam style, and i want to do a song similar to that. However, i am up for something else. Basically what i need is a song to do and some ideas as to constructing the video.
I can help you possibly by saying i like linkin park.
I will return with likes and comments and shoutouts and stuff to all that help me.

I will throw out my credentials to make the shoutouts more applicable. 460 subs, 13,000 video views. Partner
If It needs to be royalty free an amazing song that I managed to get credits to use is eminem 8 mile remix by runcrywolf. If it doesn't have to be royalty free try a chart topper. Maybe thrift shop?
You could do a music video for Numb of LP :p
I did consider it. and i may do that, but it is quite a deep song, which if portrayed wrong may offend people. I was looking for something which would just be a little bit of fun