Music video idea.... Help!:(


The cool kids around the block
Hey guys! So my partner and made a cover of the song spiderwebs by no doubt. idk if you've heard the song before but its kind of a punk rock song and we've turned it into an edm. And it sounds AWESOME!

Now if you've seen my past thread, "I broke my wrist.... help:(" then you know my problem. I broke my wrist and my cast goes up my arm. And we really need to shoot an awesome music video! I need an abstract concept that'll showcase me less and her more. There doesn't need to be a storyline and I'm really good with vfx so you can get crazy:)
I only got a few ideas from listening to the song and making it edm (which I had to search up to see what it was..)

- Have the opening scene (if you have a house or something) fliming her sitting on a counter top than have the camera drift through the house and zooms into the front door and shows you standing there, which you could show your cast or not.
- She runs out the back and instead of outside its all black with lazers flying like spider web
- Something from your pov you can do spiders eyes view
- Maybe make a storm scene?
- She picks up the phone and it zooms to your stalker name.

All the ideas I got right now.
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I really like the ideas TheDoctor_13 has presented Particularly the spiders eye or first person view concept. You could be" a fly on the wall" I tend to do a lot of music content videos myself from my partners live shows, I really wish I had the graphic talent though.
OMG that's genius! I definitely think I should take advantage of the spider/fly pov, and I LOVE the laser spiderweb idea! Wow, anything else?
OMG that's genius! I definitely think I should take advantage of the spider/fly pov, and I LOVE the laser spiderweb idea! Wow, anything else?

Nope, thought I had something but lost it. If you can think of anything at all, something small, a bare bone idea, a part of a song and what kinda vision you get while listening, think about it. If you need help tell me something you thought of and maybe I can jog my mind up.

Wait I remembered what I forgot, a scene where she is floating. Yeah thats all I got.