Music behind commentary


I've Got It
I tried put some light dubstep behind me speaking in a commentary in my newest video. I dont know if this is against the forum rules or not but does it make the video more entertaining?
I know that GoomProductionz used to put musoc behind every commentary and it made every video of his stand out since he always used the same music. Maybe you could do the same. :)
Yes, making a conscious decision to only go with royalty free music (of which there is a lot available if you look in the right places) is the way to go. This'll just ensure you have less hassles down the road with YT flagging up your videos for matched content.
Regarding using the same track for every video. Personally I don't like this, I watch some comedy bloggers who use the same music over and over again and it annoys me and I find it hard to enjoy the video. That's just me though.
I think background music makes the video better, if it is the right music and softer than the commentary. Make sure its royalty free music.