I've Got It
Like I'm sure many people have, I have more than 1 YouTube account for different videos and various reasons. On one account I have gotten into the habit of liking my own videos as soon as they are uploaded - I saw some other YouTubers do it and thought, "why not?", it helps my video and I'd like to think that I would like my own videos at least. Then I got thinking, would it be against the YouTube rules to like the videos on my other accounts too? It would probably share them to the people who subscribe to their channels and help visibility.
The channels are based on different subjects, but are still regarded as "brother/sister" channels, but of course as innocent as this all sounds I can understand why it could be considered "dodgy" but if I have multiple accounts is there anything wrong with them liking certain videos from each other so long as they aren't false accounts purely created to spam likes?
The channels are based on different subjects, but are still regarded as "brother/sister" channels, but of course as innocent as this all sounds I can understand why it could be considered "dodgy" but if I have multiple accounts is there anything wrong with them liking certain videos from each other so long as they aren't false accounts purely created to spam likes?