I've Got It
I thought it would be cool to find out which videos you guys watch now and then that really inspire you to go all in and try your best with your channels.
For me the main one is Lilly Singh's documentary 'A trip to unicorn island'. Sometimes I just have it on repeat in my room in the mornings and it really puts me in the zone.
Kind of like Casey Neistat has The Godfather on repeat in his studio. A constant reminder of the level you are aiming for.
It shows the story of her starting on YouTube, getting her first 1000 subs, the life decisions she made at the time and all the way up to planning and then going on a world tour.
So what are yours? It could be a milestone video, a My YouTube journey video or whatever.
Im not sure if you can link in here, but you could put the name of the youtuber, the video title and why it motivates you
For me the main one is Lilly Singh's documentary 'A trip to unicorn island'. Sometimes I just have it on repeat in my room in the mornings and it really puts me in the zone.
Kind of like Casey Neistat has The Godfather on repeat in his studio. A constant reminder of the level you are aiming for.
It shows the story of her starting on YouTube, getting her first 1000 subs, the life decisions she made at the time and all the way up to planning and then going on a world tour.
So what are yours? It could be a milestone video, a My YouTube journey video or whatever.
Im not sure if you can link in here, but you could put the name of the youtuber, the video title and why it motivates you