Monetizing second channel?

Batty About Toys

Toy Reviewer
Good morning everyone. I monetized my second Youtube channel that was on a different account than my Adsense is. I'm pretty sure I linked them correctly because when I check my Adsense settings for both the Adsense Id is the same.

However when I look at my site management it says Owned (1) and just has the one www. youtube .com url listed. Do I have to manually ad my new channel's url where it says ADD SITE? I can't remember if I had to do that when I monetized my first channel. Or because they are both under the Youtube domain does it count it as one?

Good morning everyone. I monetized my second Youtube channel that was on a different account than my Adsense is. I'm pretty sure I linked them correctly because when I check my Adsense settings for both the Adsense Id is the same.

However when I look at my site management it says Owned (1) and just has the one www. youtube .com url listed. Do I have to manually ad my new channel's url where it says ADD SITE? I can't remember if I had to do that when I monetized my first channel. Or because they are both under the Youtube domain does it count it as one?

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Where is this "Site Management" section? I've never seen it in the Adsense dashboard? It most likely means that all YouTube channels will come under it if it is the domain "YouTube dot com".

It's under settings in your Adsense account.

I'm right does cover all the YouTube channels you monetize. I have a double income stream going...with two channels under an MCN and all others I own independent.
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AdSense not detect your 1,2,3,4,5,6,....,etc. channels (I linked my 8 channels to AdSense but when I check my site management that YouTube only cuz I not linked to my own site or another Google Partner such as 'Tumblr, Twitch, etc.')
See the Analystic for earning. make sure you linked to AdSense well.