Monetize Question...


New Member
Hello, Ive been a YouTube member for awhile now and have had a few video grab a lot of views. I added monetizing to them but have never seen a dime. Did I forget to check something off? Where do i see my profits if any...thanks in advance!
Hello, Ive been a YouTube member for awhile now and have had a few video grab a lot of views. I added monetizing to them but have never seen a dime. Did I forget to check something off? Where do i see my profits if any...thanks in advance!

You have to log into adsense (google adsense) to see your profits bruddah
Thanks for the response, but where do I see it there. Its not called YouTube correct? Adsense for Content? Im lost, so thanks for the help.​

I haven't had an adsense for a while so I don't know if they changed the format. It used to be on the first page when you logged on. Try changing the date to all time instead of just today so you can see the total you've accrued. Hmmmmm, sorry mate I think we'll have to wait for a more current adsense user to chime in bud!
umm for me, I accidently made this account (gmail) signed up as adsense when I already had another account and google actually disabled this account to earn money because you are not supposed to have more than one. So, it might be possible that you might have another account that is collecting your revenue data from monetization:p But.. this is a pain in the butt to log in my other account to check on a regular basis.