monetization question


Well-Known Member

i had a youtube account in 2010. I use to steal videos when i was in highschool.

i only did it around 5 times. but i received money from it for a few years (nothing major at all)

in 2013 there was new rules and banned this, i tried uploading the videos again but you ahve to upl;oad an original or something, it seemed very complicated and easily detected

i started making my own videos

ive seen my video uploaded by another user, and there is ads on it (yesterday i saw this)

i went to upload a tv show to test the monetization and it seems to be easy to upload stolen videos again (or just downloaded)

a) did youtube verse the monetization rules it did in 2013
b)now that they ahev changed it, (if so) is there anything i can do to protect my home made videos
c) why did they lighten the uploading terms? are they no longer detecting this?

ive started to gain followers and plan to do this for a long time but now this scared me. if those questions can be answered please do so |:)
i didnt even accumulate 50 dollars and thats after 3 years...
im simply asking if they loosened their rules, why they made copying/uploading easier and how i can protect myself

i was in highschool and ive been making my own videos for almsot 2 years

please answer the question
Technically, you shouldn't even have came back. said:
Users whose accounts have been terminated are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts.

Nonetheless, if you can prove that you own all the rights to the video, you can submit a copyright strike. Additionally, you could go to their network (if applicable) and report the user.