Modern Music Videos to Old Songs?


Blue Haired Chubby Kid
Would you guys be interested in watching modern music videos made for old songs (like Billie Holiday, Andrews Sisters, etc)? It would be stylized to fit the mood/sound of the song, but using modern visuals. I've been wanting to do music videos of some sort, but not to modern songs, because I could never compete with such high budget music vids.
Very creative idea and if done right could be really epic but if done wrong it will garner a lot of harsh criticism. Many people have a personal connection with old songs and are critical of modern interpretation. As long as you are passionate about the song you won't disappoint with the visuals
Very creative idea and if done right could be really epic but if done wrong it will garner a lot of harsh criticism. Many people have a personal connection with old songs and are critical of modern interpretation. As long as you are passionate about the song you won't disappoint with the visuals

Yeah. That's why I'm going to start with songs that I have a personal connection with, or songs that have been re-popularized by other modern media (such as some of the old songs used in the Fallout 3 soundtrack).
Ok! I'll keep that in mind. I'm going to go ahead and follow you... so hopefully I won't lose your Twitter name! (I'm bad about tracking posts in my own threads down).
Sounds good, hey you live in Atl I lived there a bit growing up little five points and midtown mostly. What's the name of your channel
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