Mirror effect help needed for Animation/Puppet


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I'm currently working on a video that requires the subjects to look into a mirror ( see frame below). I have only come up with two possible ways of doing this to make it sync properly, one of which is not possible for me and the other is time consuming. I'm hoping someone has some ideas.
  1. Filming it on both side simultaneously (Not possible, since I only have one camera.)
  2. Frame by frame animation of the sequence (Possible, but time consuming)
  3. Just putting the same face in the mirror. (Okay, but isn't really a mirror. See example below)
  4. Making the mirror only reflect a shadow (Okay, but not as visually appealing and the it makes the dramatic moment much less dramatic) Do you think it would be okay if all but the climax is done with shadow?

Any ideas?

Bloody Mary-ex 20.png

View attachment 1865
If using after effects just duplicate the layer set the blending mode to "overlay" and draw a mask to fit it in the frame... let me know if that works.[DOUBLEPOST=1351907101,1351907015][/DOUBLEPOST]opps! it looks like you already did that!:p