Minecraft Video Ideas.. (Need Opinions)


Loving YTtalk
I have ideas for several Minecraft serieseseseses... however I don't know if they would be good or not. One idea is this: PC Minecraft w/ Mods, but on peaceful. The peaceful part is probably the part that would throw people off. I'd play on peaceful, but I'd be using the "Peaceful Plus" mod. That way I could get stuff like bones or slime balls. I'd also use several different mods to make the game more appealing like "Tinkers Construct" and "Minecraft Comes Alive". The reason I suggest peaceful is because with too many entities spawned, my computer lags Minecraft.

Another Idea is playing Minecraft using several different mods to try and recreate the look and feel of Skyrim. I'd use dungeon mods, Skyrim weapons mods, and Minecraft Comes Alive (To add the marriage feature). I'd attempt non-peaceful to give it a sense of danger.

If there is anyway these ideas can be improved (or if you like them the way they are), please tell me!