Gaming Minecraft Series Partner(s)


New Member
I am currently looking for someone to do a Minecraft Vanilla Lets Play with. All I ask is that your mic is not trash, your entertaining, not a squeaker, and that your somewhere near my sub count.

If you are interested PM me on Youtube or on Here. Thank you!
Interested in everything you said but only have 50 subs :(
If you are willing to make an exception I have a high quality mic and of course hd gamecapture software.
If you are interested hit me up on youtube or Skype (dgrimes145)
I checked out your channel and honestly laughed at the omegle troll. I dont usually enjoy "indie" content that much. props to you!
I tend to try to pull together YTTalk members to do Minecraft Adventure maps, would you like to be contacted the next time I arrange one of those?
I tend to try to pull together YTTalk members to do Minecraft Adventure maps, would you like to be contacted the next time I arrange one of those?

I'm interested :)

yintaiyang92 is my Skype name.