Jason Liu
Master GFX Designer/Gamer
What's up lovely people! It's Jason from TricksOfTheTroll here, and I just wanted to announce that we are back from our vacation! We want to get more content back up and get back our previous viewers! But we have one problem, we fell back into the rut we started in. We wanted to get out of this rut by working with other people, so our name can be tossed around out there.
What I was planning on doing was to get a new series on minecraft going, that will be funny, fun, and entertaining in general. If you are interested and own minecraft, feel free to message me or post back on this thread! Also, we are looking for people that will be on quite often, so we can get a lot of sessions of record in!
Thank you guys for having us back, and also, thank you guys for taking your time to read this!