NerdByte OFFICIAL YTtalk FIRST AIDER Jun 9, 2013 #1 Hey Guys, I am going to do a series on my channel where I complete a list of challenges set in Minecraft so put your challeges Down Below! As many as you want Ps (excuse spelling its 1 am)
Hey Guys, I am going to do a series on my channel where I complete a list of challenges set in Minecraft so put your challeges Down Below! As many as you want Ps (excuse spelling its 1 am)
ShockPuppetz Loving YTtalk Jun 9, 2013 #4 20 levels in 30 minutes, hardcore new map. I did a response to ethos xp madness, he approved it too
Jamie Swordmaker I've Got It Jun 16, 2013 #5 Soon as you spawn into a new world, find at least one diamond in 7 minutes.