Minecraft Challenge Versus (It may be Minecraft be hear me out)


Active Member
The "Be" in the thread title is supposed to be a "but", but I made the typo and I have no idea how to edit thread titles :(

So basically, I had an idea of making a series where I and another YouTube user go head-to-head in some challenges currently popular among the Minecraft community! It could be building, minigames, mining, anything you could think of! (Ideally) People could comment challenges they would want to see in the next episode or request to be in a future episode. It would be promotion for me, and any other people in the series. I would try to make the episodes short, but not too short, with maybe 5 minutes per challenge. I would edit the most boring parts out so that it stays exciting for those watching. Since the other person in the episode would be a YouTuber, I could ask them to record their screen and send me the files so that I could have both of our POVS in the video. Lastly, since this is a lot of work, there would probably be an episode a week of this series. If you actually read this far, what do you guys think? I really wanted to start an original series and from my searches I haven't many videos like this. Tell me what you guys think below, and leave any suggestions there too :happy:
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