Microsoft creates new rules for monetizing videos


Active Member
Now if you stream or youtube a Microsoft published game you cannot use that video for personal gain. There can be ads in your videos so long as you don't profit from them. There's a short list of games you can't use in your partner program videos, but at the top is halo..

Halo (all versions)
Forza Motorsport (all versions)*
Fable (all versions)
Kinect Adventures
Kinect Joy Ride
Age of Empires (all versions)
Flight Simulator (all versions)*
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Gotham Racing (all versions)*
Viva Piñata

Article's here:

Source is here:


I don't understand why they are doing this. Gamers will be less likely to create these videos and thus there will be less advertising and hype for their products. The community may thin and may not be as strong or carry as much weight online. Could you imagine if Call of Duty were affected by this?
I wonder why Gears of War isnt in there but Halo is. Very strange, considering all the other big titles are there. They will probably see a big dip in sales doing this, if theres no footage of the games on YouTube then I bet many wont be buying it, it isnt like years ago when people would see pictures of the games in magazines, people look for gameplay. Then again if it isnt monetised then it should be fine but those who do enjoy making money will probably avoid doing them as they could be doing another gameplay that they can monetise.
So happy that im not playing them and ever will play them.
Sucks for the people that does i guess :3
Now if you stream or youtube a Microsoft published game you cannot use that video for personal gain. There can be ads in your videos so long as you don't profit from them. There's a short list of games you can't use in your partner program videos, but at the top is halo..

Forgive my ignorance isn't monetizing a video be deemed as profiting?
Out of the games listed I don't think Halo would be affected that much by a loss of hype. It's a cash cow game that will sell on its name alone. IMO
Yup, absolutely retarded rules, that's less social advertising for them, I feel this was decided by some dude on management that doesn't really quite get the internet.