Metal Gear Solid Let's Play Blind


Since Ground Zeroes is out and Phantom Pain is around the corner, I feel like I want to start a Let's Play of some if not all the Metal Gear Solid games. I haven't played the games at all except Rising Revengeance, should I go in this blind or play the games first and then do a Let's Play?
Play first then do a let's play. I watched a LP for Ground Zeroes but because I've missed out on Peace Walker and Portable Ops, I didn't really know who was who other than Big Boss who was Naked Snake. If you do play just remember that MGS 3 is a prequel to the entire series, but should be played in release order. I have yet to play Revengeance as it looked like a major step away from typical MGS, I'll try it someday and I think it might be time for me to grab peace walker and portable ops xD
@WolfWraith, okay I'll think about, I did know that Big Boss used to be Naked Snake and Solid Snake is a clone. What I might do is play the game for the first few hours to get a feel of the mechanics and go from there.