Marcus' School Survival Guide Idea

Marcus Mintz

Liking YTtalk
Hey. I just wanted some feedback, or some suggestions on an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time. Seeing how I just graduated high school I feel like I am now a master with everything that has to do with it and I feel generous enough to share my abundant wealth of knowledge with the peasants. Jk jk. But seriously I've had the idea of doing a series on my channel that would be like a school survival guide for a while now.

I was thinking I could take a topic and elaborate on it comically while also providing some actual help for those who are struggling with the said issue. For example, I could make a video in this little series on The First Day of School, or Homework, or "Clicks", etc. Think of this idea as a YouTube version of Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (if you've ever seen it xD) I'd be willing to maybe even do some collaborations with people who would be interested. Like I could bring a different person on the video with me every time I do a subject or something like that.

But yeah. I'm open to any and all feedback, criticisms, and/or suggestions.
I was just about to yell out at you 'stealing' Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide! Haha. Yeah it would cool. Most you see on youtube is like "What I learned in ___ grade." or "What I hated about ____ school." Just general topics.

But if you them well, a series would be good, I'm expecting an all star cast, high production values, filmed in a school with classes, you know the drill. Go! Go! Go!
I was just about to yell out at you 'stealing' Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide! Haha. Yeah it would cool. Most you see on youtube is like "What I learned in ___ grade." or "What I hated about ____ school." Just general topics.

But if you them well, a series would be good, I'm expecting an all star cast, high production values, filmed in a school with classes, you know the drill. Go! Go! Go!
I was thinking more of like what I do now with little sketches or something like that in them, or other ideas that could center around the issue I want to cover, but your idea works too. Lemme just call my all star cast list in my phone, call my production company, my old school etc. I got it all covered! xD Haha. But yeah I know what you mean about seeing the "What I learned in ___ grade." or "What I hated about ____ school." and I'm like "Why don't they explore more into certain issues" haha.
I really like that idea!!! Like i was going to tell you to make sure you have another person in your videos because that will help you viewers believe on what you are saying because there are two people confirming what you are talking about. Lol, I think alot of people would grow from that and would keep you busy for awhile:) Good luck! (Also isnt it just grate being graduated, i graduated last month:P)
I really like that idea!!! Like i was going to tell you to make sure you have another person in your videos because that will help you viewers believe on what you are saying because there are two people confirming what you are talking about. Lol, I think alot of people would grow from that and would keep you busy for awhile:) Good luck! (Also isnt it just grate being graduated, i graduated last month:p)
Thank you for the input. Yeah I feel like having another person in there would be better than doing it on my own, for me and my viewer xD. And yes it is great being graduated. It's a feeling I don't know how to explain.

Im out of school a year now
my school was actually pretty relaxed
but sounds like a great idea :)
Haha yeah my school was pretty chill to. It wasn't like in movies or nothing like that, although that would be kind of fun.

Sounds like a great idea, and a good idea to bring others into your videos. :)
Thanks for the input. I'm all excited to make this now! :)