Gaming Male, 23, Looking for Stall---Wait a minute GAMING COLLAB!


I've Got It

I'd like to first apologize for going missing for so long, the fact of the matter is Holidays really come at you when you least expect it!


Yes, I was looking to collab with some people, who play various games, I don't really care what games...Unless it's games I don't have, but I'm pretty open for anything! . . .Er, again, if I have the games. All jokes aside though I want to give a list of games I do have an what I mean by "Anything" in the gaming realm.

  • Minecraft
Yes, the almighty Minecraft, a game that has been beaten to a pulp, and I want in on that action! Generally, I'm game for playing something that has an "end" to it, in other words, things such as Mod Reviews, Adventure Maps and Challenges. I'd prefer not playing a super long series as I've come to learn I suck with balancing a schedule.

I don't really have a definitive video to propose to you about how I do things via my channel, but it is a secondary channel that is based on Minecraft only, you can window shop here @ "BillCosbyPlays" on Youtube

Note: I go by Renegayde not BillCosby (Or any other forms of Mr Cosby 0-0)

(PS3 Games)
  • Battlefield 4
  • GTAV
I. . .I don't have a lot of games for this, let alone my X360 >_>.

BF4: Essentially, we would just play a few rounds of whatever feels right in the department of Battlefield 4, I'm an excellent Medic/Assault and not too darn bad at the game.

GATV: Well, we would have fun, do what feels right, rather it's getting our hair did, nails done, bikini wax! Oh... and yea Trolling, Missions, Bounty Hunting...That stuff works too..

(X360 Games)
  • None. None at all, Move on.
(PC Games)
  • Sims3
  • League of Legends
  • Phantasy Star Online 2
  • You name it, I'll tell you if I can get it
Sims3: How can we play multiplayer on Sims 3?! Well, we can't! But we sure can challenge one another in various ways, it would be more so like a versus mode where we would have to get to a certain point before time runs out, just as well, there would be obvious rules :p.

LoL: We play a few rounds together..Probably like one or two. . .League matches take so long @_@. I typically play Ahri, or Shyvanna, and I'm not really all that at the game, at least I don't think I am.

PSO2: Its an MMORPG that was not sent to NA(North America) as of yet, but there is one hell of an English Patch for it, that makes it very, VERY playable. We would just do missions, or maybe tutorials, or just play for fun!

Misc.: Basically, I have no opinion on Emulators, so if you'd wanted to play like Mario Party or Sonic Shuffle, or some bizarre old school game, I'd be down for it. Or even name a game that is F2P(Free to Play) or a cheap game, I'd probably give it a shot!

You can check out some of the games and how I do them on my other channel @ "theRenegayde" on Youtube!


Good! I hope you read most of it at the very least, and would consider playing games with me and collaborating and networking and other stuff..I'm a weird guy, so yea, I guess I could have mentioned that before boring you to death with my Novel on "What I play!"

A little bit about me:

  1. I cuss from time to time
  2. I'm rather laid back and comfortable so it's advisable that you ♪kick off your shoes and relax your feet
  3. I'm virtually outgoing..Like literally my impression on you may be a little overwhelming owo
  4. Just kick it♫...
  5. My unscheduled life does make me busy every once in awhile, please bare with me @3@ (You can say I "over-extend" my helpers hand)
  6. I draw, a lot.
  7. Skype Name: BillCosbyPlays (AddmePlox)

Hey if you want to do a collab i am up for it hmm i am 21 years or age and i gave gta5 for ps3 and any pc game really exact for 7 day to die and a couple my pc can't handle at the moment but i am working on that ...but i am up to do any collabs my skype is echowavez and my mic quality i use a trulte beaches soon getting a mic :bigrin2:
Hey if you want to do a collab i am up for it hmm i am 21 years or age and i gave gta5 for ps3 and any pc game really exact for 7 day to die and a couple my pc can't handle at the moment but i am working on that ...but i am up to do any collabs my skype is echowavez and my mic quality i use a trulte beaches soon getting a mic :bigrin2:

Sure I don't mind, I'll add you right now actually :D Sorry for taking a bit to reply haha

Im down for a ps3 collab I seen some of your gta vids they are pretty good.

Alright, cool, You can add me on my skype BillCosbyPlays and we can do some collabing haha