Making Something Look Good


Hey guys, I wanted to get your great insight on what you feel makes a channel look compelling?? It could be the channels looks, music, or just how they present their content. I just want to know your opinions so I can work to improve my channel and in turn help other peoples channel owners who my also read this and get great tips.
I'm strange in that what i like in a channel is generally not what everybody else likes. I couldn't care less what their channel art, avatar and thumbnails look like. what i like in a channel is when they are honest. I don't care what they are doing as long as they are being true to themselves. Things that i prefer to see when i watch a video is someone mature who is not faking any excitement they have and that is able to confidently talk about what ever the topic of the video is. There is nothing that irritates me more than a commentator that cannot speak without sounding shy.
My suggestion would be to make your channel look as professional as possible to be compelling. Check out channels of top youtubers like Jenna MArbles or Pewdiepie or who ever channel provides similar content to your own and see what they do
My suggestion would be to make your channel look as professional as possible to be compelling. Check out channels of top youtubers like Jenna MArbles or Pewdiepie or who ever channel provides similar content to your own and see what they do

The problem with that is that both of those two channels have professional designers to do their channel graphics
There are thousands of tutorials for graphics programs. It takes some time to learn them, but "gimp" is free and just take your time and create something simple and clean :)