Making a video thats already been done before...


Just wanted to get everyone's opinion on this one...

I thought of an idea for my next video, started planning etc. Then quickly checked to see if its been done before... And it has. Someone did pretty much exactly what I was thinking about five years ago, and their channel doesn't seem too active these days.

As I'm new to YouTube I just wondered what the etiquette is for this I guess? Part of me thinks suck it up and move on, find a new idea. And the other thinks that there must be sooo many videos where there are a few the same and not to worry, plus it'd be pretty impressive to think of something that's not already on there somewhere.

Thoughts guys? Thank you![DOUBLEPOST=1373355847,1373355695][/DOUBLEPOST]PS my channel is still tiny and in the very beginning stages... So would it look like I'm trying to use other peoples good ideas to get bigger?!
Remember, hours upon HOURS of content is uploaded every minute!
There will always be overlapping of ideas and content.

If you have an idea, just GO FOR IT!
Make it your own! Add your own little twist!

Don't be afraid!
Listen, I make cover songs on my channel so all of my 'ideas' have been done before but still they are new somehow because I add my own twist to the songs I play. So in my opinion you should definitely make that video happen. ;)
A few of the fave ideas I have had have been done before! I just did them anyway! Just make sure it isn't exactly the same and you'll be fine :)