Makin' a movie this summer and want to here your input on the concept!


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Ok, so before I get started my friend and I came up with this movie idea while at a series of basketball games, so I wrote it down at midnight as fast as I could before I could forget it all, so it may not all make sense. I also have three other friends mentioned in it. The idea is a treasure hunt - which goes a bit off the edge then what we expected. I'm going to copy and paste all my notes below, so if you have suggestions, input, ideas, or simply hate something, please tell me! I want to make this as amazing as possible and I've become so passionate so here's everything:


Starts off with mom telling me to clean my room, so I make Quinn help me. We notice something in the stairs, it's a map to the hill at the park. Quinn notices it smells weird.

We climb up the hill, get to the top, and there's a compass at the top, pointing towards the haunted house. We head there and find a geocache like thing that gives us coordinates to Quinn's house. We head back but we're in the dessert, so we're really thirsty and I suggest we just jump over a neighbors wall and ask for water. Quinn's reluctant but then agrees. We climb over and realize that it's my house. Riddle w/ opposite of firefly (waterfall), we go to his waterfall, he tells me there's just his wall, then offers to get his speedo and I say no, he get a swim cap and goggles, we jump in with our clothes on, make the goldfish in a water bottle go first, then we head under (GoPro) and float above to cave, where we find an egg. Scene has no words. We go back up but Quinn gets stuck, goes unconscience, and I save him, I slap him and say I don't want to have to do mouth to mouth, then he spits out water and comes back. He asks for water and I give him the goldfish bottle but then realize and day WAIT DONT.

We now think the egg is an extinct creature that should go towards science, then Quinn smashes it and I'm like what the heck Quinn, and he says well it wasn't an egg. There's a soggy newspaper inside, and we only see the date, so we look it up, and it's about a school opening up. It also has L3 on it. We bike to the school, and start thinking and I get shocked by the lamppost and we think it's the third lamppost, but there's nothing inside, so we get into an argument and Quinn heads home, then he's in the bathroom, and I ask him why he won't help me find the treasure and he says because he's out of toilet paper, so I go get some, then he says he needs time to think, then we're in the middle of a thinking scene and I slap him and say we don't have a whole scene for him to be an idiot and he says what scene? then we head back to the school for clues, after awhile we read the soggy paper again, and we realize it's 13. Then we head inside and search the school, but there's no room 13, so we head inside an office look into a cabinet, and find an old blueprint of the school. It says that an old closet used to be room 13. We go inside and Quinn says it smells weird and I say does and Quinn says like my dead goldfish Bertha, and I say no like something familiar. We proceed to go around the room sniffing everywhere, until we find the stench, which is a place just like the stairs that has a drawing inside of a broken house. We head there, but we bring food to eat there first. At the house, we eat lunch, then while eating we notice a suspicious bush. We then dig there, then excitedly hit something, and we find a skull. We freak out and call the police. Coraly comes and asks if we just happened to dig up a dead body then we tell her we were searching for treasure and she goes mmmhmmmm whatever. We decide its best to discover ourselves why in fact the man was murdered. We retrace our steps from the hill.


Haunted house





At one point we get a call from the police saying they identified the body, with someone named ________.

Skip to us finding the murderers old house. We knock on the door and Cody answers. We ask him if the ancestor was the murderer, and he says yeah actually, there's even more outback, wanna check it out? And we say sure. He tells us the story of how our ancestors are tied into the past, with some quarrel, causing Cody's ancestor to murder one of their friends. And you know how many children he had? Seven. And you know how many they had? 6-11 each. And it keeps going on and on and it been his job to finish his job and eliminate anyone who gets in the way. We get wide eyed and ask I that hole is our grave, he says no but the one two over is. We then say "run". He chases after us, but we keep running.

Things needed:

Goldfish (in bottles)
Adventure clothes (Quinn: white t-shirt and shorts, Spencer, short and jeans. we look Ragid the whole time, but at the beginning we look spiffy)[Clothes wettable]
New tripod
Go to Goodwill
More than one camera
Camera remote
Swim cap and goggles
Fake bush or something
Cop costume
Camera man sometimes
Olden day clothes
Someone to play the role of the murdered flashback
Speedo (not to wear lol we might not even need it.)


I want there to be a camping scene.

There's a dead goldfish named Berta, an empty water bottle that held two beta fish, one goldfish named _______. One goldfish named ________. And goldfish crackers.

Mackenzie gets some whacko talkative country character


My house
Haunted house
Desert + wall
Quinn's basement
Quinn's waterfall pool
Computer place
Broken house
Another house of Cody's
Place for graves and room to run
Bridge for bike riding scene
Sidewalk walking scenes