Makeup tutorials!

Hey guys, this video (HERE) is from my other channel and I made it a while back.


- I realise now that I probably shouldn't have sped parts up so fast, so next time I'm working on it
- For 'tapered eyelids' - double eyelids that aren't quite 'separate', so kinda in between monolid and parallel eyelid if that makes sense OTL
- Day and night transformation makeup

While it's far from perfect, hope it might be of interest to some of you. If you know someone who might benefit from this video, please share it to them ;) Thanks so much~
hey girl, you are so cute :)

like your video..funy part 'akward smile' hahah :) great job

my channel is new, I only have one video,I posted it one week ago...I you like fashion pls check it out. If you like it let me know, I'm planning on making more :)