Make my Channel Unique?


RPM Partner/Gamer
So I have a basic gaming channel.. yeah theres thousands! How can I make mine unique where it stands out!? Like what are games that arent very popular!? Ideas besides lets plays and commentary s? Im setting up an auto tune trolling series stuff like that! any ideas help me out please!
I'd recommend on doing what you find fun. I have a gaming channel that has just Let's Plays, but I love making them. So no way I'm stopping that.
Like the above posters said, you don't want to do something that you don't like or doing it just to become popular, because it will hurt you in the long run.
It's already unique, because it's you. Now you need to play up who you are. People need to get to know you so when they tell others what gaming channels they watch, you get mentioned because you are kind of a "______" type of person, and the others aren't.

Sorry if it sounds like superfluous advice, but in all sincerity, that's what you do.
If you look at the YouTube channel: videogamedunkey, you will see that he has an original style of making gaming videos very entertaining, and I only know one other person that does them that way. If you can pull that off, you will have a very large audience that enjoys your content.
If you think you'd have a lot of fun playing games nobody else is playing, or maybe only a few people are playing, I'd recommend googling "underrated/worst/weirdest games for *insert preferred console here*". I have a segment on my Blogger (*cough* link in signature *cough*) called 'Emulation Station' where I review games I am able to emulate on my PC and I try to look at games I haven't heard of people playing much these days but they tend to be for older consoles like the PS1 in my case. You could try something like that for whatever console you feel comfortable playing - who knows, you could even bring an old game back into glory?