Major Tightpants Let's Plays + Reviews

Hey guys.

Major Tightpants here. So... my YouTube channel is dedicated to video gaming and reviewing the video games. I haven't done any reviews but I've written one up for Prince of Persia: Sands of Time which I'm currently editing together.

I've also got some ideas for other games, such as "Training Time with Emu" where I desperately try to learn a variety of AP Mids in League of Legends (Emu is a really good AP Mid player. He's British, I'm the Australian one XD) and I was thinking of taking my Donald Duck impression and doing something similar to the Christopher Walkenthroughs. Aside from that I have a Minecraft song/parody I think will be good and I'm starting to produce it with the help of a few mates.

It would mean a lot to me if the folks on here could assist me as I've only just started and I have, like, no idea what I'm doing. I've no idea if the content in my videos is any good and the people who watch them ( my friends ) always say that they're good and I'm pretty sure they're not telling the 100% truth, so.

Cheers, guys.