Low earnings starting from july month

It's across the board. As happens at the start of every quarter.

June was the end of the 2nd Quarter so CPMs are high that month, July is the start of 3rd quarter so expect CPMs to be quite low, especially when compared to the last 2 weeks of June which as I said were higher than usual anyway. A 30-50% drop in average CPM is what should be expected in the first days of Q3 (July). It will start to re-cover significantly in the last week or so of this month.
From the beginning of July my earnings have dropped in 50% compared to Juny earnings.
The number of views in July is even higher than in Juny.
In July 2015, I earned more money than in Juny with the same number of views. This year in July something wrong is going on in Youtube/Adsense/Google.