Lost with game video ideas


I can't come up with anything to do. Traditional letsplays are kinda boring and won't really spread your channel unless you already have a following. Playing scary games and making a scare compilation have been my more popular videos, but I want to have fun playing other games and share the experience with others (playing The Witcher 3 atm). I really do want to make letsplay videos, but I don't think it'll be successful or worth the effort. I guess I want to do letsplays, but in a way that makes me... discoverable? I'm just out of ideas =/

I'm tired of making videos that no one is going to end up watching :(
The struggle!
You don't have to do a traditional let's play to play games. And it doesn't have to be a scary game to be a compilation.

Vanoss, kyr speedy, seananners. They all do non horror games and play pretty much whatever they feel like.

If you still want to maintain the story aspect in games, you can still truncate the slower / repetitive parts and keep more of the notable storyline items in the video.

Gotta start telling yourself what you can do dude, not what you can't do.
Light cannot shine without darkness, only when were in a darkest moment can we see the light, try changing the style maybe turn games into new stories. Make the characters your own with your preferences. Maybe find friends who do that. Hope it helps good luck.