Looking to start a unique gaming series?

What makes things unique is when you put your own twist on it, if you are asking for ideas it doesn't make it original or unique :L
Plus it's quite hard now to be unique nowadays with the amount of gamers on YT :L
my best input (and i dont want to give away anything im doing)....

Find a niche/genre that isn't tapped into too much and stick with it until you get a bit bigger. I'm doing that (for the most part) and it seems to be going nicely, 71 subs in under 30 days. Now, how you find people in those niches is up to you but I found that using twitter and finding certain #hashtags for the genre you are supporting works WONDERS. Usually, there are reddit communitites for these hashtags as well and you can use them as well. Just don't spam, and show that you are supporting their cause in that genre/niche.


Competitive Call of Duty
Competitive League of Legends
Competitive Starcraft

All of these fall under a category of eSports, but you can get more refined as there are not TOO many big LoL competitive channels that keep updates on all the major players/tourneys/etc other than MLG's official stuff. Same with SC2 and LoL. Titanfall may be growing into a competitive thing soon too. Being that they are all under eSports, later you can expand content from one microniche such as competitive Titanfall to a larger niche of competitive FPS, then eSports in general.