Gaming Looking to play some TTT-Private Server

Luca Keaney

Active Member
Hey I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that had a private TTT server and wanted to play some TTT. Because we could have some fun messing around playing some TTT but not just randomly killing people we could do what they did on seananners is channel or pewds. message me if you have one and are willing to play with others.
Well me and my friend run a server which is public but doesn't get anyone on it ever, i dont know if that would be any good to you
Yeah honestly that would be great, that's still really good and it would be even better if your friends could play with us. Just so you know we would be using skype if you want to play.
so do me and my friends when we play. if you want to add me on skype so i can give you the details for the server, my skype is: hallanlyster