Active Member
Hello! My name is alilouk and I am starting a brand new Machinima production group! What this means is that I am making an OFFICIAL LEGAL group which is fully dedicated to making some awsome and epic Machinimas! I am just letting you know off the bat that I am 15 years old youtuber who is starting this project. But remember, Age is only a number and does not deduce the full potential of a person!
What we are looking for:
Body actors: To be a body actor you must be at least 14 years old. You should also have a smooth running game. We are looking for Minecraft and Heroes and Generals Body actors!
Voice actor: Looking for many kinds of talent. I am looking for people who have a deep voice, a DanTDM style voice (search him if you dont know him) and a young child's voice.
Script Writer: I am looking for people who are able to wright creative scripts and story lines with me. Must be at least 15 years old with some writing skills aswell as creativity.
Script Editor: Re-reads the script and finds and exterminates flaws. Must be at least 15 years old with good grammar and spelling aswell as creativity.
Project Leaders: Project leaders are, well, what the title in-tales. You will be assigned to a certain project and you will need to direct your team to complete a certain project. As soon as this Group takes flight, there will be many projects being produced at the same time in various games. The project leader is the one who directs that certain project, he is basically the director. However everything will need to be run by me before being considered an actual project (Must be at least 17+ years of age unless I see you are worthy of being a project leader, and in that case u can be the minimum age of 14)
Manager: Being a manager means if I am not on to help someone or answer someones question then u will need to do that. you are also in charge of kicking out people who you know are a waste of time or are not serious enough or miss deadlines several times with no solid proof.
To Apply:
Name (Doesnt need to be real name but something we can call you by):
Discord (MUST HAVE A MIC):
Past Experience(if any):
What role are you applying for (Maximum 3):
(Only for body actors) Do you have at least one of the following games (Minecraft or Heroes and Generals(its free)):
Whats your timezone:
Why do you want to join the group:
How long are you on a day:
How many days are you on a week:
How serious on you on a scale of 1-10:
More questions will be asked during the interview section!
What we are looking for:
Body actors: To be a body actor you must be at least 14 years old. You should also have a smooth running game. We are looking for Minecraft and Heroes and Generals Body actors!
Voice actor: Looking for many kinds of talent. I am looking for people who have a deep voice, a DanTDM style voice (search him if you dont know him) and a young child's voice.
Script Writer: I am looking for people who are able to wright creative scripts and story lines with me. Must be at least 15 years old with some writing skills aswell as creativity.
Script Editor: Re-reads the script and finds and exterminates flaws. Must be at least 15 years old with good grammar and spelling aswell as creativity.
Project Leaders: Project leaders are, well, what the title in-tales. You will be assigned to a certain project and you will need to direct your team to complete a certain project. As soon as this Group takes flight, there will be many projects being produced at the same time in various games. The project leader is the one who directs that certain project, he is basically the director. However everything will need to be run by me before being considered an actual project (Must be at least 17+ years of age unless I see you are worthy of being a project leader, and in that case u can be the minimum age of 14)
Manager: Being a manager means if I am not on to help someone or answer someones question then u will need to do that. you are also in charge of kicking out people who you know are a waste of time or are not serious enough or miss deadlines several times with no solid proof.
To Apply:
Name (Doesnt need to be real name but something we can call you by):
Discord (MUST HAVE A MIC):
Past Experience(if any):
What role are you applying for (Maximum 3):
(Only for body actors) Do you have at least one of the following games (Minecraft or Heroes and Generals(its free)):
Whats your timezone:
Why do you want to join the group:
How long are you on a day:
How many days are you on a week:
How serious on you on a scale of 1-10:
More questions will be asked during the interview section!