Finished/Closed Looking for Talented Person for Video Editing/Production (USD)


Your #1 Source For Indie Gaming
Hey Guys,

I am looking for someone that has a portfolio to show (and proof of it being their work if possible or if it looks pretty generic) to help take some load off me. I do 3 videos a week, 1080p 30fps, videos ranging from 4-10 minutes in length on average reviewing games. I can give more specifics when we get a little further but the basics would include the following:

  • Edit 3 videos with Sony Vegas Pro 13 (program I use in case I need to change stuff) a week on average, download files from my dropbox, upload back afterwards.
  • I will do audio editing, you just need to make cuts in the footage I provide that look clean and professional to slice up into a nice review format. For example if I say "the multiplayer is fantastic" there should be multiplayer footage on it.
  • Raw footage is about 30 mins usually of gameplay and I cover everything I talk about (usually, if I don't then I just put general gameplay or something cool from the game as a filler)
  • Edit the 30 mins down to my commentary length (again 4-10 mins, usually an average of 6 mins). Add my outro card/intro/clip from previous video, balance audio, color correct, render, done.

I'm asking for this just so I can free up some time in personal life. I am willing to take offers, but I would pay RL cash via paypal for this, and though I want to try to stay fairly cheap, I may be willing to pay a bit more.

For me, editing takes 30 mins max just as a rule of thumb, the rendering takes its time but that's a "set and forget" type of thing once the editing is done.
Hey man Im very interested in this position if you have a skype add me theslick497 and twitter @FrenzyGamingUS. I do not know hot to embed a link or it isn't working when I try so I will send via skype or twitter