Request Looking For Somethings To Enhance My Subscribers Experience


Hey guys hope everyone is having a good weekend and all is well.
This is my first "Request" post so if im doing it wrong please tell me and I will fix it.
So what I am looking for if someone could help me out is an outro, a new logo, and thumbnails for series on occasion. Now I really hope that doesn't sound demanding because I really don't want it to. For an outro I am looking for something like at the end of the YouTubers Juicetra, Seananners, and EatmyDiction. I don't want it to be the same exact thing because I don't want to be a copy cat just similar as in what they show and length.
For the logo I really don't know what I am looking for at all but an idea could spark eventually. And as for thumbnails just something like adventure time esque if thats possible.
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you can help that would be awesome if not thanks for reading this too.
Bro i can help you with the custom thumbnails just give me a description of what you want in it. For free as well