Looking for something different to do.


Content Producer
So my channel has been dedicated for gaming for over a year now, but gaming channels are over populated now, and as much as i love gaming, im cutting it back a lot due to work,fitness, and just hanging out with friends. I was thinking of taking a break from youtube in general, but I think I still want to do it, just not daily and not gaming. I used to do daily vlogs, but i honestly don't have that interesting of a life at all.

I just need some ideas of things I can do, something fun, maybe unique, would be cool to be a little bit more professional then my other videos, ahh i dont know haha.

I Don't even think i have time for youtube anymore, working overnights, then immediately to the gym, once i finally get home, i sleep until 4-5pm then eat and pretty much back to work, being a grown up sucks!
So my channel has been dedicated for gaming for over a year now, but gaming channels are over populated now, and as much as i love gaming, im cutting it back a lot due to work,fitness, and just hanging out with friends. I was thinking of taking a break from youtube in general, but I think I still want to do it, just not daily and not gaming. I used to do daily vlogs, but i honestly don't have that interesting of a life at all.

I just need some ideas of things I can do, something fun, maybe unique, would be cool to be a little bit more professional then my other videos, ahh i dont know haha.

I Don't even think i have time for youtube anymore, working overnights, then immediately to the gym, once i finally get home, i sleep until 4-5pm then eat and pretty much back to work, being a grown up sucks!

youtube>Get money, stay healthy
Atleast to me it is. Full your gut, don't be so up in your head, and you will find what works for you man
Have you ever tried doing something artistic? Drawing? Writing? Photography? Singing? Dance? If those don't work out, they may spur some ideas for other things to try :)
Have you ever tried doing something artistic? Drawing? Writing? Photography? Singing? Dance? If those don't work out, they may spur some ideas for other things to try :)
I can't so any of those things! haha well anyone can do any of those things, but with the talent that is already on youtube, there is not much of a point now is there:P
I can't so any of those things! haha well anyone can do any of those things, but with the talent that is already on youtube, there is not much of a point now is there:p
Noooo xD There's no reason why you can't start now. You don't have to show off anything (or you can, and have videos of your adventures trying them out), just try little practice pieces. Draw little doodles, write a short story, go for a walk and take nature photos, sing to your favorite songs, dance to some others, etc. You may not be the best, but that doesn't make them any less fun. You could even find classes in your area and try them out.

It doesn't even have to be for YT, you could try them out anyway, haha. Like I said, you may get inspiration from doing these :)
I did gaming before, but as you said, it's over populated and I wasn't able to grow after one point.. So, I kept all gaming to my gaming livestream (twitch.tv) and now I do vlogs/rants. I don't vlog about my life, but I vlog about situations/opinions/news and so on.

I think I've found my jazz. Good luck on finding yours! :D
I can't so any of those things! haha well anyone can do any of those things, but with the talent that is already on youtube, there is not much of a point now is there:p
Maybe you could base your channel around going from 0 to 60 in one of those areas. Or just pick one and practice it until you think you're good enough to do some of it on youtube. Or just take some time off from youtube until you get your drive back again.