Voice Acting Looking for someone to voice act 4 sentences for my new video


Loving YTtalk
Hello !
Im creating comic / stickman style videos, usually creative but this one is more of a philosophical one.
It´s mainly a monologue (which i will voice), but 4 sentences are voiced by my normal character, which usually doesnt talk. So its literally 4 sentences you need to record.
I will link to any social media / youtube site of yours in the description and mention you in the end card.
If you are interested just answer in this thread, i will send you the script per private message then.

Thank you !

Edit : My character is a male and 16 years old, so im looking for a rather young male voice.
I also need a female voice for one sentence : "Hey, you are shy guy from english class, right ? What are you listening to ?"