Music Looking for someone to run a Non Copyright Music Channel for a Community


I've Got It
I run a community of Youtubers called Project Connect, we have over 100 members on Discord and aim to help new and small Youtubers grow on Youtube.

I am looking for someone to run a Non Copyright Music Channel on Youtube that can be used as a useful source for music. The music can be sourced from non copyright sources.

Youtube Channel manager
Age 18+
5 videos per week
Will also become an admin on the Discord server
Preferably from the UK, not compulsory though
Hello brownygamingtime

I am replying because I compose/ create myself original electronic music. I decided that people can use my instrumental tracks for free in their videos as long as they credit me with links to my uploads in their infotab. I dont want to be an admin though for your server.. but if people are still looking for free to use music contact me..okay?
I am doing music mixes without copyright for over 1 year now. but just recently shared the musics
for downloading on google drive
Hi BrownyGamingTime

I am Raid from Raid MusicHD. I run "Free Music" Channel on YouTube. Most of my songs are Non Copyright. People can use My Musics as long as they credit the artists. I can join your server if you want to.
Ok, your replies aren't quite what I am asking for. I'm asking for someone to run a non copyright music channel I have setup. You are more than welcome to post your own music on there if you want.
Thanks bro for letting me post my Musics on your server :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Again, thats not what I said. I said you can post it on the channel that I have setup. This would mean running the community's Non Copyright Music Channel on Youtube, uploading 5 videos a week (not just your music but from other sources too).
I Have A Non Copyright Free Beats Channel And I Upload Every Day If You Want To Check It Out Here Is The Name Of The Channel
: MTC Beatz

Thnx And Have A Nice Day
i have a ton of free time hit me up ill be more than willing and would post 6 vids a week my skype is tavros_evolve if you want to talk to me about it a little more