Request Looking for someone to do my design work for my channels!

Chris Stickles

New Member
Hello all,

I wanted to post here in hopes to find someone that it wants to work with me and get all of my design work done for my new channels! I guess I will give you a little background of the situations that I have been though.

***If you don't want to hear my story please skip down to break to get to what I am looking for.***

I first opened my gaming channel The Gamers Port over 2 years ago thinking that I wanted to do commentaries since I play games all of the time. This quickly turned into nothing and the channel sat unused for over a year.

I then got started the want to get things going so looked to one of my friends that is the head web designer for Scotts Miracle Grow. He said that he would be happy do the work for me. Well this went on for several months with him not doing any work for me no matter what I did. So I looked to a designer that did some work on a few channels that I followed. We entered a contract and I paid upfront for the work. Well it ended up taking me about 5-6 months to get all of the work completed.

At this point I was starting my new job at State Farm so the plan of getting the channel fell through and I didn't work on any videos. I have now been at the job for some time and am ready to get back into the swing of things. However I was left with YouTube and Twitch totally reworking their layouts so I was out of a design once again.

I thought about things quite a bit and came down to I wasn't happy with the name of my channel. The Gamers Port felt like it should be a network of people doing videos and that is something that isn't going to happen. I also didn't want to feel like I was "selling a brand" in a since and also has been open for over 2 years at this point with no content posted so I decided to completely start over.

I decided to go with something more personal. Some people that I had been following on Youtube and Twitch just simply used their gamertags or added gaming at the end. I really liked this idea so that is how I landed with SippyCupGaming. Now technically my full gamertag is SippyCupXIII but this was too long for a Twitter username so I dropped the XIII off.

Now that I had a name I got my email setup and then opened all of the channels/pages on the sites that I plan to use. This left me looking for a new design. Well lets just say that I haven't had any luck this time around either. I have been through 2 people that I was introduced from people that I know that had work done by them. I even decided to give my same friend a second chance but I have got no where. People say they will do the work but then don't deliver. I did manage to get a logo from my friend which I have set as my avatar on this site.


Now on to the request for what I am looking for. I am looking for a "simple and clean" looking design. I am not looking for something gaming related in the sense of having gaming characters all of the page, etc. This doesn't mean that it can't have a gaming "element" to it by any means. You can look at the avatar I have set for the site. This was made by my friend but I have been unable to get him to do any more work. This is give you a basis for what I am looking for though as I really like it. So I am looking for designs for the following sites:


I can go into more details for anyone that is interested in working with me. I am also in need for templates to use when streaming as Twitch will as big a part for me as my YouTube. I am definitely willing to pay for these designs so I am not just looking for free handouts by any means. I know that you have to pay for quality work in most cases. If you are interested in working with me please reply here or get in contact with me at:

I apologize if I am not supposed to request work for other sites on these forums. I am really just wanting to get my design work done for all of my sites so I can finally get things going as I have invested a lot of money in all of the equipment and software needed at this point. I know that I could do things without a design but looking "professional" is something that is really important to me. Thanks all and I look forward to hearing from anyone that is interested.


Yes I am willing to pay and I have edited the original post to include this info as I meant to mention that but left it out by mistake. Thanks!

Not gonna lie, on the home page it says "I need someone to do my..." I had nasty thoughts, I have been looking at too many sloth pictures :(