Services Looking for some work exp

Molly and Lizzie

Liking YTtalk
Hi! I'm looking for some work experience in graphics design or some help, i'm faily okay now but i think i could improve loads. Anyway, i wanna make a banner, DP, thumbnail, something that someone will use. If you pay me, great! If you cant, also great! i would simply ask for some kind of shoutout, be it voice or text. I only want to get some experience, i'm starting my GCSE's and i figured this would be fun. If you want some reference art then email me

Thanks! :wavespin:
Yeah, I also do a bit of graphical design in my spare time. What I would say is just sit down, get designing templates, and try and make as many as possible, all with different themes. You could then make an online portfolio of all your different templates, and let people come to you to fill in the blanks. :)
Nah just post them here by clicking the upload a file button and selecting the images you made. I am very excited to see what you have made! :)

Well i don't have anything up to date. But i do have some character design's from ages ago, of course i've changed my style a bit now but it is some of my work