Request Looking for some gaming / anime related art for free


New Member
Hey there, started with Youtube a few weeks ago and have had a tough time looking for someone to help out with some channel graphics. So, I figured I'd try my luck here. Sadly, I do not have any money to put into this, so if anyone decides to help out anyways, it is appriciated.

Thanks in advance.

What Im looking for, aka graphic description:

So, I'd like a cartoon version of the pig in Saw, but with a beard. (also, the color of the head hair and the beard, I'd like it to be brown, also the beard should be one of does ear to ear kind of beards :p)

For the second character, I'd like it to be a baby seal crossed with a human, so basiclly a baby seal with legs. Whom also is wearing full tactical gear and a military helmet, also holding a hk416.

As for the avatar in a whole, I'd like it to be these two characters, back to back looking sorta in the "camera".

and as for the banner, I'd like just some fancy looking text saying:

"Let The Adventure Begin
Bjunken & Hallemen"

And then have the avatar under it or on the side, depending on which you think looks best. It doesnt need to be the whole avatar, if you want to change it around I trust that you know more about design that I do. So feel free improvise around the banner as you see fit.

I'd also like to request, incase you are up for it, to make a face only picture on both the characters. aka a portrait of them.

Thanks in advance and I appriciate that you're atleast considering it :)