Gaming Looking for some Collaba Pals...yeah i made that up... XBox One, PS4, and PC, just depends on game

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Looking for some Collaba Pals...yeah i made that up... XBox One, PS4, and PC, just depends on game. Now I will say this, I can get pretty hostile but not for in the mean way. Its all for show honestly....sometimes....But on a serious note, I'm pretty laid back and just like to have fun. If you're interested, then hit me up. If not...then get interested!!

Be at least 18, thats my only thing. I'm 26, don't want to play with someone that doesn't know what "It's over 9000" comes from.
Hmmm well I would not mind playing some
XB1: BO3, Minecraft, GTAV,
PC: COD WaW, Garry's Mod, Getting CSGO in a few days i got VAC banned for using SLAM and had to make a new steam
Xbox 360: BO2, MW2
Skype: Jon16251
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